8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
The Borough of White Oak hereby gives notice of the 2025 Meeting schedule. All meetings will be held at the White Oak Borough Municipal Building, 2280 Lincoln Way, White Oak, PA 15131. All meetings are open to the public except for Executive Sessions.
White Oak Borough Council
Council Workshops/Caucuses, Executive sessions will be held the second Monday and the third Monday of each month. Council Workshops are held the third Monday of each month and begin at 6:45 pm. The Regular Meeting is held the third Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. All Workshops/Caucuses and Regular Meetings are open to the public. Council may take official action at any meeting which is opened to the public. Executive Sessions are closed to the public.
White Oak Recreation Board
If necessary, the Recreation Board will meet the 2nd Thursday of each month (2/8, 3/14, 4/11, 5/9, 6/13, 7/18, 8/8, 9/12, 10/10, 11/14, 12/12) at of each month at 7:00 PM. Meeting for July was adjusted to the 3rd Thursday due to the 4th holiday.
White Oak Borough Planning Commission*
If necessary, the Planning Commission will meet the 1st Thursday of each month (2/6, 3/6, 4/3, 5/1, 6/5, 7/3, 8/7, 9/4, 10/2, 11/6, 12/4) at 7:00 PM for the public session with a closed session held at 6:30 PM. Call the Borough Office at 412 672-9727 to confirm the agenda.
White Oak Borough Zoning Hearing Board*
If necessary, the Zoning Hearing Board will meet the 4th Thursday of each month excluding November and December, which will be the 3rd Thursday (1/23, 2/27, 3/27, 4/24, 5/22, 6/26, 7/24, 8/28, 9/25, 10/23, 11/20, 12/18) at 7:00 PM for the public session with a closed session held at 6:30 PM. Call the Borough Office at 412 672-9727 to confirm the agenda.
Members of the public are invited to attend these meetings.
*Contact the Code Department at 412 672-9727 Ext. 231 to see if there are any items on the agenda for the Planning Commission and Zoning Hearing Board, as meetings will only be held if there are items on the agenda.
Pay Your Bill Using
You can now pay your White Oak Borough Rubbish Removal Bill via MuniciPAY using:
- MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover
(convenience fee will apply, see below)
- Electronic Check Payments
(convenience fee will apply, see below)
To pay your bill you will need to enter your account number and then click the SEARCH button.
To pay your current years' bill, enter the account number located here:
More Helpful Payment Information Details
Credit Card Payments Made Online
Now you can pay your White Oak Borough Rubbish Removal Bill from the comfort of your home or office by using our online payment service. Credit cards accepted: MasterCard, Visa, American Express or Discover. A per transaction convenience fee of 2.45% or $3.00 minimum will be charged by the payment processing company for this service.
Electronic Check Payments
White Oak Borough now accepts electronic check payments using our online payment service. Payments will be charged to your checking or savings account at your bank. You will need your 9-digit routing number, as well as your account number from your personal checks (see example below). A per transaction convenience fee of $1.50 will be charged by the payment processing company for this service.
IMPORTANT: When Payment Options appears, click on the "Switch to Pay with Check" link and then continue entering your information.